T.T.A. - Ideas in motion

T.T.A. - Ideas in motion

In the XXI century, accessibility represents the main reason why citizens and businesses decide to live in a or leave a city.

( Peter Litjens, Mobility City Councilman of Amsterdam )

C.so Re Umberto, 92 - 10128 - Torino +39 011 1911 6042 segreteria@studiotta.it

Urban and territorial development planning of infrastructures

Urban and territorial development planning of infrastructures

A plan is only a piece of paper… it is the process behind that really matters and it is the vision, the political will and the courage to change things that actually change things!

( Prof. Marco te Brommelstroet - Amsterdam's University )

Mobility planning

Mobility planning

Governing mobility does not mean facing emergencies, but planning the future in a perspective of constant improvement.

( Marco Dellasette – Founding partner of TTA)

Smart Mobility

Smart Mobility

A smart city is like a smart party. If people have fun, they stay longer.

( Jan Gehl, Urban Architect - Copenhagen )

Sustainable mobility – Clever mobility

Sustainable mobility – Clever mobility

Sustainable transport supports equal growth, increase in occupation, reduction of poverty, access to markets and wellbeing for people.

( Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary general )

Road access, traffic and transports

Road access, traffic and transports

An efficient mobility system contributes to the increase of the GDP of a territory.

( Renato Mazzoncini - CEO Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane )

Environmental sustainability
impact study/assessment

Environmental sustainability
impact study/assessment

I think that having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want.

( Andy Warhol - USA artist )

Impact evaluation on mobility

Impact evaluation on mobility

Efficient road networks and parking systems are fundamental for the success of a new commercial development.

( Anselmo Benazzo - Gruppo Kléplierre )

Road safety

Road safety

What I really care for is the lost lives and the families of the casualties.

( Violeta Bulc, European transport commissioner )

Infrastructure planning

Infrastructure planning

To have an idea is a great thing. But it is even better to know how to pursue it.

( Henry Ford - Ford Motor Company Founder )

Research and development

Research and development

There are those who prefer any certainty to the uncertainty that comes from realizing their limits

( Carlo Rovelli, director of the quantistic gravity research group of the University of Aix-Marseille )

T.T.A. Trasport, Traffic and Environment

Headquarters (Torino)

C.so Re Umberto, 92 - 10128 +39 011 1911 6042


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